The Anthroposophical Society is an entirely open, public and worldwide organisation with headquarters in Switzerland. It aims to develop the spiritual science initiated by Rudolf Steiner, and to show that it can be valuable and healing for both individual and humanity at large. Individual freedom in the spiritual sense lies at the heart of this movement.

Becoming a member involves friendly support for the work, including an agreed financial contribution. A membership pack includes hard copy of the latest newsletter and a request whether you would like to opt for an online version. If you would like to find out more about the ASGB or are interested in joining, you can download a membership form here:

Becoming a Member of the Anthroposophical Society (PDF)

Membership Application (PDF)

Diversity Statement

Survey for Members

Society activities

Regular lectures study groups and artistic activities take place at many centres throughout the UK. In London these take place at Rudolf Steiner House, where there is a lending library, bookshop and theatre. Further information regarding any of the activities can be obtained from the Secretary, who can also put you in touch with local groups of the Society.

Local Study Groups

Rudolf Steiner House

The Library at Rudolf Steiner House

The School of Spiritual Science

At the heart of the Society is the School of Spiritual Science, which aims to assist members in their striving for spiritual development and inner freedom and to provide a forum and a focus for spiritual research.

It is also concerned with how the results of this spiritual research can be put to practical use in the various fields of cultural endeavour.

With this in mind, the school is divided into sections – Education, Medicine, The Arts etc. There is also a General Section, to which all members of the School belong.

The School is centred at the Goetheanum, but is also active in the UK.

What is the School of Spiritual Science? (PDF)
