The Humanities Section covers a wide spectrum of culture that includes Literature, History, Language, and the Arts. We have held Conferences, Seminars, Lectures and Study Tours on themes of Shakespeare, Parzival, Renaissance Art, The Matter of Britain, Gender Issues, Poetics, Summer Courses on The Spirit of English, and the celebration of the Festivals. The name of this Section in German is Sektion für Schöne Wissenschaften, which corresponds to the traditional French academic term Belles Lettres, and our friends in the US have taken the title Literary Arts and Humanities Section. This variety and fluidity of names truly reflects our openness to whatever arises in the spiritual-cultural life that so often connects to more than one discrete discipline. As is also the case with other Sections of the School of Spiritual Science, there is a certain overlap of disciplines, but unlike the other Sections, there is no immediately obvious single profession that this Section connects with. For further information please contact Andrew Wolpert or Simon Blaxland-de Lange

Upcoming event organised by the Humanities Section: